| 1. | In a room off the bar there was a good jazz band playing . 酒吧隔壁的一个房间里有一支很好的爵士乐队在演奏。
| 2. | And used to play drums with the jazz band on weekends 末还经常在揪士乐队中鼓。
| 3. | And used to play drums with the jazz band on weekends 周末还经常在爵士乐队中击鼓。
| 4. | The jazz band gave out with quick rhythms 爵士乐队狂热地奏出了快速的旋律。
| 5. | I play jazz piano and compose / arrange for jazz bands 我自己演奏爵士钢琴,也为爵士乐团编作曲。
| 6. | We ' ll start a jazz band 我们组个爵士乐团
| 7. | I saw this awesome jazz band last week * c they were really tight 上周我看到这支很棒的爵士乐队演出? ?他们合作非常默契。
| 8. | The first important jazz band was a group led by buddy bolden , a barber 最早的一个有名的爵士乐队是由一位名叫波尔顿的理发师领头的。
| 9. | Often played in pizzicato style , the double - bass is also an important member of jazz bands 于爵士乐中,经常以拨弦的方法来演奏的低音大提琴,也担当一个相当重要的角色。
| 10. | The recently formed red hand jazz band has made it their mission to enliven the beijing jazz scene by creating original jazz based on the fundamentals of jazz : improvisation and communication 新近成立的“红手”爵士乐队将以爵士乐两大原则? ?即兴演奏和音乐交流? ?为基础,创新音乐以丰富和活跃北京的爵士乐舞台。